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Inspection of vehicle data (Dieselpartsworld) 2016-01-29    

Inspection of vehicle data
1, purchase invoices, purchase invoices is proof of the car is the most important, is also one of the car households certificate, so in the car when you must to the dealer ask for purchase invoices, and to confirm its validity.
2, vehicle certificate: the certificate is the car another important documents, is when the necessary documents on the car. Only the car with a qualified certificate is in line with the requirements of the state for motor vehicle equipment quality and relevant standards.
Three, 3 packet service card: according to the relevant provisions of the car at a certain time and mileage, if the cause of the quality problems caused by the failure or damage, with three packs of service card can enjoy the manufacturers of free services. But like light bulbs, rubber and other auto parts are not included.
4, vehicle use manual: the user must be in accordance with the requirements of the vehicle using the specification of a reasonable use of vehicles. If you do not press the use of the requirements of the use of the vehicle damage caused by the manufacturer is not responsible for the three pack. Instructions for use together with an indication of the main technical parameters of the vehicle and necessary for the calibration and maintenance technical data, repair the reference text.
5 and other documents or attachments: some vehicle engine have separate instructions for use, some vehicle some optional equipment has special requirements or provisions, then consumers should ask for the relevant documents to the dealer.
6, check the nameplate: check the nameplate on the exhaust quantity, delivery date, chassis number, engine number, content, qualified certificate number must be consistent with the car engine number, chassis number.
The above part of the documents / documents / information must be carefully checked, if there are any omissions, errors must be required to solve the seller immediately, otherwise it will affect you on the license, the future warranty and other content. For larger 4S dealers, theory on all of the above data is not a problem, but for those who are not very regular dealer, please be sure to check carefully, lest the text or other aspects of the reasons make you fall into the profiteers trap.


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